Our Products

Product Evidence

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We value your trust, and we want to share the research and reasoning with you behind our products.

Language matters.

There are strict guidelines around what a company can claim a medication or supplement can do. In our country, the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) oversees labeling of food and drugs to ensure that consumers are not misled by false claims. The drugs that are found in our products include naproxen sodium, folic acid and iron.

There is also a clear line between drugs and supplements.

Drugs (medications) need to be extensively studied and ultimately approved by the FDA for market. Ingredients, dosage, frequency and route are all measured precisely so that the FDA can guarantee safety and efficacy of a certain medication. 

Supplements (like vitamins and minerals) are not held to the same standards. They are found in our environment, in our foods and in our bodies. When a supplement product is sold in a store, it is not considered a drug and is not, therefore, held to the same FDA testing standards as a drug. However, the FDA closely monitors labels and claims to make sure that supplements are not being sold as drugs.

What does the evidence show?

The table below is an overview of the research and what evidence has been produced. This evidence has guided our product development and our claims for action against period pain and symptoms.

Research Articles